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Side sleeper pillow

Cuddly pillows for side sleepers filled with our foam flakes. Available in two shapes - the 7-shape and the U-shape.


U-Form (+€ 30,00)
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Schön, dass Du dich für unsere FLEXIMA ELEGANCE Matratze nach Maß interessierst!
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Schön, dass Du dich für eine FLEXIMA Caravan Matratze nach Maß interessierst!
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Schön, dass Du dich für eine FLEXIMA Nautic Matratze nach Maß interessierst!
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Schön, dass Du dich für einen unserer Sitzsäcke interessierst!
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Fitted sheet made to measure

This is how it works: Please enter the maximum width and length (top of mattress) in cm of your desired mattress shape. You are also welcome to send us a sketch or a picture of the bed or the old mattress.

Bean bag inquiries

This is how it works: Please enter your desired beanbag and your delivery address.
We will immediately inquire the delivery costs with our carrier and inform you

Make an inquiry

Anfrage stellen

Anfrage stellen

So geht’s: Bitte geben Sie maximale Breite und Länge (Sunpadoberseite) in cm Ihrer gewünschten Matratzenform ein.
Senden Sie uns gerne auch eine Skizze der Liegefläche.

Write us


Make an inquiry

How it works: Please enter the maximum width and length (top of the mattress) in cm of your desired mattress shape.
You are also welcome to send us a sketch or a picture of the bed or the old mattress.

Make an inquiry

How it works: Please enter the maximum width and length (top of the mattress) in cm of your desired mattress shape.
You are also welcome to send us a sketch or a picture of the bed or the old mattress.

Make an inquiry

How it works: Please enter the maximum length and width (in cm) of your mattress shape.
You are also welcome to send us a sketch or a picture of the bed or the old mattress.